Dating on demand biglee

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One mechanical critter became a junk yard scenery feature, using bits left over from the cracked off bases. For my effort, I now have a lovely blister from my on my thumb from my tin snips. Naturally I cooked with chilli powder tonight. I am a doofus. I don't mind the pain though- I asked out a crush of mine last night and she said yes! Honestly I could nail my foot to the floor today and still be grinning. Fuck you from the bottom of my heart. Fuck you and your transphobic, misogynistic, bigoted little brains. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You behaviour here towards women gamers, towards transwomen and for some reason moreso to transmen is a stain on our hobby. You want to take responsibility for the damage you cause people like me? For all the hurt and humiliation that spreading drivel like this to the community causes us. Trans people are murdered, are attacked and driven to suicide by people who read material like this and think we are a joke- in your words 'unsettling'. For quick game ready models I suggest painting all the flat colors before shading- it means you can hit the model with brown washes that work on belts, metal, padding, skin, fabric and so forth in one go. A few black washes in eye sockets, armor and around joints can help. If you are shit at picking out edges- go the other way, start painting the part the highlight color then shade down the middle of the parts- leaving the edges bare. I had the absolute obsessive compulsive joy today of arranging and mounting all the Reaper Bones blisters on the pegs. Rather than using the item codes- which are pretty random, me and Turelio sorted them by race and class- so all the dungeon monster where together, all the undead, all the lizardmen etc. I realise now that it was a mistake to delete those posts. One bunch of dumb-as-shit assholes threatening my life did not outweigh the hundreds of wonderful supportive comments I received, and most importantly, the one fan of my blog whose life it deeply effected. A reader explained to me that thanks to my post, when his daughter came out as transgender a few weeks later, he was armed with the information he needed to understand her and get her the help she desperately needed. Okay, for those of you who missed all this stuff, here is the gist: I am an Iatrogenic intersex person. Intersex refers to anyone who does not fit the medical definitions of male and female, but fall somewhere between the two. Basically, humans are very complex. I am a shade possibly an ink wash or glaze. Iatrogenic means 'caused by treatment' aka 'someone fucked up'. I was made intersex by an anti miscarriage medication Diethystilbestrol- a synthetic estrogen given to my mother whilst I was rockin' out in the womb. I started developing as a boy, but by second trimester I was flooded with synthetic estrogen- so from that point onwards I developed as a girl. Many intersex people, like myself, appear to be one sex externally when born. Many of us find out when we hit puberty, have surgery or like me, try to have children. Some of us are revealed to be intersex only in our autopsy. When I was diagnosed, my whole life suddenly made sense. Why I was androgynous, why I had no adam's apple, why I couldn't grow a beard, why lesbians would get confused around me, and why I preferred dating them to straight girls , why I had menopause like symptoms, why I so violently reacted to mysogyny and why no matter how many times I tried to understand masculinity by reading and rereading Stephen Biddulph books- it just made no freaking sense to me whatsoever. However, when I was diagnosed, my whole life not only made sense, it fell apart spectacularly. Long time followers of this blog will have seen me battling with depression over a secret 'condition', become sick and finally recovering quickly after I started HRT. I came out after that, and announced I was changing my name to Delaney and using female pronouns now. Before long, my marriage ended, I became homeless, I was in hospital with a suicide attempt, was rescued by a women's refuge programme, found a job in Melbourne and rebooted my life thanks to you all donating to my gofund me. And then the threats started coming in. If you want to watch a brilliant documentary on intersex science Intersex people can identify as male, female, neither, both or as intersex. I identify as female. This isn't a choice. Because brains develop in third trimester when I was bathed in female hormones, it constructed itself with the hardwired assumption it would be running a female body. We call this gender identity. It cannot be 'corrected' because it is actually correct already- it would be impossible to regrow that brain structure, in the same way you cannot regrow a tree trunk but keep all the branches in the same postion. I have a bad case of girl-brain. Because my gender identity is hard coded female, but doctors incorrectly assigned me male- well that by definition makes me transgender. I could not survive the crushing gender dysphoria an extreme unhappiness with one's incorrectly assigned gender. The suicide rate for sufferers is just counting children and teens getting treatment alone around 48% just by the age of 20- though in reality it is much higher. Yes folks, young children kill themselves. That is how bad it feels. Being transgender is not a joke, it's quite life threatening even before you encounter the dangerous assholes you meet who haven't got a clue what a sex chromosome actually does and refuse to read books. It's been several years since I started replacing my old cells with fresh female ones. By this stage there isn't a speck of me you can look at that is male. Not a hair on my head, a cell of my skin, a freckle on my face. Sure, my bones will take five more years to cycle, but meh- everything else is great. I look, feel and even smell female I can even get away with wearing a trade show t shirt two days in a row and smell fresh as a daisy :p. I no longer 'sweat', I 'glow'. Scientifically speaking, 'Hermaphrodite' means an organism that can reproduce as both male and female during it's life. Frogs and Snails and Fish can do this... Sorry, I know for some of you this will make Slaves to Darkness grate on your precise, syntactically correct minds. I approve of removing hermaphrodite references but keeping the sex positive stuff. Also, as I have demonstrated with SCIENCE- everything GW ever wrote is incorrect...

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